Sunday, January 29, 2012

y0 dawg

Hola, long time no see. Apparently, this is going to be the semester that kills me. Despite the fact that I'm right on schedule for completing my senior show, I feel like I'm behind schedule. I have a solid three-day block with pretty much zero time for homework, meaning I need to complete all homework over the weekend and try to keep it straight for the next week. I'm about to start student teaching on Wednesdays in a room full of gradeschoolers who are probably aware of how much they intimidate me. I'm planning my wedding (btw, we're engaged!). I'm coordinating my singing group's spring festival. I haven't completely given up on my dream of continuing to have at least a meager social life (read as: dancing probably once a month and having the freedom to watch a movie with a friend on occasion or have my roommate kick my ass at Mario Kart). I'm not asking much, life. Just let me stay sane through May and it'll all work out. (Right? Right.)

On an unrelated note, huzzah! I've been vegan a year now and still going strong. Here's a fantastic (and short, 12 minute-ish) video about the social and environmental impact of a vegan lifestyle.

A Life Connected: VEGAN from on Vimeo.

Love yo faces (and yes, I watch too much PhillyD).

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