Monday, June 11, 2012

Summer Thus Far

Woah, I'm not quite sure what to do with this new blogger format. It feels like Wordpress in an uncomfortable way. =\ Meh, whatever.

SO! Sorry that I haven't posted anything in forever. It's been a hell of a few months. First, I finally graduated with my BA in art, and now I'm taking summer classes to kick off my graduate degree in education. Along with that, I have a summer job as summer school teacher. The kids, while stressful and, well, kids, are amazing and I love my job. We're doing our lessons in an "Around the World" theme, so last week was Kenya and this week is France. Next week, we're headed to Mexico! :D I'm seriously loving this. As I type, I'm reviewing a movie for them to watch on Friday (our "free day" in which they get to watch a movie, eat some French food, and play outside).

 Also, I'm doing the 300x30 challenge, which is where you do 300 crunches a day for 30 days. It's day three, and I've completed my first 100 (I do them in sets to keep from hating everything). So far, so good. I imagine the first week will be the hardest (usually is), and if I can make it past day three, I can do the whole thing. Today should be the day I am most sore, and boy do I believe it. Also promised one friend we'd do weightlifting at the rec this afternoon and another friend that I would go swing dancing with him tonight, so I'm probably going to just collapse into bed as soon as I get home. Today will be long, tiring, and incredibly fun, so here's to coffee, the cool breeze coming in my window, and the promise of sleeping in tomorrow because my boss doesn't need me to take over the class til 11. :D

 In regards to the 300x30, I will post before and after pictures, but bear in mind that I'm also weight lifting and occasionally dancing and always eating a healthy vegan diet during this, so who knows how much my results will vary from the norm. So yay! That's my summer thus far. Tristan will be here on and off (currently off, D:), but otherwise it's just me and the students and the spiders in my house (whom I've sadly grown accustomed to). Ciao!

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