Sunday, August 29, 2010


It's strange to not always have someone around. I think this is the most difficult part of living in a house. My roomates and I all have different things that we do, so occassionally one of us is home alone. I always thought that didn't bother me, but I'm realizing that I've never really had a chance to notice. At my house back in Saint Louis, we have dogs, so a person's never really alone there; Bosco and Sugar see to that personally. In the dorms, there's always someone you know a few doors away. Yeah, I hated dorm life, and I didn't always like my floormates, but the point here is that they weren't strangers. The only people around right now are the guys across the street who spend half the evening revving their engines or drinking on their front porch. Extremely not interested in making their acquaintance.

I needed the dryer this afternoon and it was full of my sleeping roommate's towels. I was halfway through folding them when I realized that I miss being part of a family. I think that's why I take on the motherly role here, folding towels and doing dishes and making sure we're not out of neosporin and cooking dinner and worrying when roomies haven't shown up by 11am. I guess I really am a mama bear (and for the love of God, do not try to draw a line between me and that Palin woman. I am not that kind of mama bear).

Maybe the point is that home is where the heart is and I've left mine in too many different places.

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