Thursday, September 2, 2010

Don't Talk About Rock Carving

I have discovered the first rule of rock carving: Don't wear a low cut shirt. Do have any idea how frustrating and awkward it is to sit through a two hour lecture while you've got sand and tiny rocks in your bra? Holy freaking crap. Never again.

Also, homemade apple sauce is the best. Unfortuantely, I didn't really get to eat it. I promised my fibers class (like printing on fabric and learning to draw with a sewing machine) that I would bring cookies for Food Friday, and I went to the grocery store to get the stuff I'd need to bake, and realized when I got home that I'm out of butter. It was even on the stupid list. Augh. I didn't feel like going all the way back to the store just for butter, so I dug out my one cookie recipe that doesn't call for butter. It does, however, call for applesauce. I did not have applesauce, but I had apples and cinnamon and a whole night to kill, so I made some crazy delicious applesauce and then amazing moist apple-y cookies. Then I helped Jill and our friend Jer paint a huge poster for the swing dancing team.

Also also, I am horrendously domestic. It's 10:30 at night, and I've just finished sweeping and washing all the floors in my house. Just because. Well, they were dirty (especially the kitchen), but that activity always struck me more as a "I'm going to spend all of Saturday morning cleaning this dump" kind of thing rather than a "it's Thursday night and I have nothing better to do while I watch Elf" type thing. Whatevs.

Also also also, my a cappella group is going to be putting out a new CD (hopefully!)!!! I'm pretty darn stoked to start recording.

I (almost completely) apologize for the moroseness of yesterday's post. It was just one of those days, you know?

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