Thursday, September 16, 2010

My Day Was Better Than Yours

Okay, I know I complain a lot (mostly about sucky internet and centipedes), but let me recap real quick for you my day so you wonder at how awesome my life is sometimes.

I woke up at 8:30. This is "sleeping in" for me. I made breakfast, showered, read, had lunch, napped until I had to leave for my 1:30 class during which my professor's wife brought us brownies, went to my education class (which is about teaching art to elementary school kids) and because it's a Thursday, it's project day, so I spent half of that class making a papier-mache fantasy animal (mine's half walrus, half giraffe), and then I came home. I'm going to go grocery shopping, have dinner, and go to choir rehearsal for my a cappella group and then come home and go to bed because I don't have anything due in my two classes tomorrow.

Tomorrow, I'm going to go to my two favorite classes (one of which celebrates "Food Friday" every week with baked goods). When I get home, my roommates and I will celebrate "Cocktail Friday" (which is very similar to food friday, but with booze) with strawberry daquiris, and then I'm going to hang out with my boyfriend and probably watch movies at our friend's apartment. Saturday, we'll celebrate our one year anniversary.

I don't want to think about the work I'll have to do on Sunday, but I'm going to have a hell of a lot of fun getting there.

World, thank you for being awesome sometimes.

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