Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Yet Another Update Tonight (w/o pictures)

I also want to talk about windows, but I didn't think about it til after I posted that last update and it's also completely unrelated to the cold (unless you associate "dark" with "cold," which I sometimes do).

This house is turning me into a paranoid wreck. I wasn't an arachnophobe until I lived here. Then one fell out of the freaking cold water knob in my shower onto my hand and I had to use the other shower for a week. When Heather didn't die from using that shower as a result of me "accidentally" not telling her about the incident, I felt safe to go back.

I was also not afraid of centipedes, but then I realized I hadn't actually seen a live centipede before. Things are much less scary in pictures and books.

I have sometimes been afraid of the dark, but I've never had a stompy upstairs neighbor who makes the kind of noises I associate with dying at the hand of someone who's breaking into my apartment simply by wandering through her kitchen, so that kind of adds to the experience, I guess.

But windows. I have never been afraid of windows until now. You know how when it's dark outside, you can't see out your window if a light is on, but everyone outside can totally see you? Couple this with the fact that I caught some guy lurking underneath my stairs yesterday (he was stealing water from our outside spigot), and you've got a recipe for full-on, bat shit crazy paranoia. I've just gone around locking all my doors and switching on and off the lights in each room to ensure that no one is already lurking within. It's kind of terrifying. I wish my kitchen had blinds.

I also wish I'd had the presence of mind to nap at 5:30 so I wouldn't be so tired now (as I usually stay until midnight on Wednesdays to say hello to Boyfriend when he and my roommate get home from dance practice). But I did not nap, and it's too late to nap now, so I think I'll chug some orange juice and sugar high until they get back.

I probably should stop buying hashbrowns.

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